it's like i wanna sing it, scream and shout
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don’t belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With the big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you’re bleeding
No you don’t know what it’s like
When nothing feels alright
You don’t know what it’s like to be like me
22 Jun 2010
8 Jun 2010
no one like..
let's sing..
Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing
But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you, baby
They might say hi, and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry, about what they say
'Cause they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you
Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing
But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you, baby
They might say hi, and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry, about what they say
'Cause they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you
6 Jun 2010
Testimonials for Afid
Thanks to Laura. Nice words. Xoxo

just a contemplation i had after catching up with Ajeng yesterday. of all our conversation, there's this one thing that sticks in my mind ever since. the story of her male friends who passed away a few weeks ago. when i asked her how he was, the first word that came out of her mouth was: baik banget (it seemed to me that, his kindness was so overwhelming that she was running out of words to describe the term). she then gave me some examples of every little things he did while he was alive. though i never met him personally, i had goosebumps when i was listening to her about his generosity. the way he treated -not only the girl he had a crush on, but- everyone he knows, was almost like listening to a biography of Lady Diana and her charities across the world. the fact that so many people came to his funeral and how his friends still memorize him in every occasion, were some living proofs of how his kindness has touched so many people's lives. okay, i'll try to elaborate him in words (forgive me if this looks so ordinary in my writing, but when you hear the story from his friend's description, you can really feel how much they missed him): he talked so politely to his friends, he defended his friends, he gave comforting hugs, he met you just to strike your hair, he did anything to protect his loved one from anything harm, he showed the world when he had a crush on a girl, he had this proper attitude before your parents, and when you asked him where did he come from, he would replied, "Alhamdulillah dari keluarga baik-baik." oh my god, i was speechless when i heard all of these. i wish i had met him when he was still alive, but i feel pretty fortunate just to have a chance to know him through words. i'm sure though, he did his part in this world, and now it's time for him to come back to where he belong, to heaven. may you rest in peace.

just a contemplation i had after catching up with Ajeng yesterday. of all our conversation, there's this one thing that sticks in my mind ever since. the story of her male friends who passed away a few weeks ago. when i asked her how he was, the first word that came out of her mouth was: baik banget (it seemed to me that, his kindness was so overwhelming that she was running out of words to describe the term). she then gave me some examples of every little things he did while he was alive. though i never met him personally, i had goosebumps when i was listening to her about his generosity. the way he treated -not only the girl he had a crush on, but- everyone he knows, was almost like listening to a biography of Lady Diana and her charities across the world. the fact that so many people came to his funeral and how his friends still memorize him in every occasion, were some living proofs of how his kindness has touched so many people's lives. okay, i'll try to elaborate him in words (forgive me if this looks so ordinary in my writing, but when you hear the story from his friend's description, you can really feel how much they missed him): he talked so politely to his friends, he defended his friends, he gave comforting hugs, he met you just to strike your hair, he did anything to protect his loved one from anything harm, he showed the world when he had a crush on a girl, he had this proper attitude before your parents, and when you asked him where did he come from, he would replied, "Alhamdulillah dari keluarga baik-baik." oh my god, i was speechless when i heard all of these. i wish i had met him when he was still alive, but i feel pretty fortunate just to have a chance to know him through words. i'm sure though, he did his part in this world, and now it's time for him to come back to where he belong, to heaven. may you rest in peace.
FB notification : Hafid Habib commented on your wall post
Ajeng Kuswiasih wrote on Hafid Habib wall:
will i ever see u?
11 hours ago · Comment · Unlike · Hide Feedback (2) · See Wall-to-Wall
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Hafid Habib
Ajeng. maaf terlebih dahulu .. ini yang merespon Ayahnya Hafied Habib.. terima kasih Ajeng selama ini telah berteman baik sama Hafied Habib, anak kami, terima kasih telah memberikan kebahagian padanya selama bergaul dengan Hafied,, terima kasih telah selalu mengingatnya.. semoga kita doakan dia damai disana.. ditempatkan di sorga pemilik segalanya.. dimaafkan segala kesalahannya dan kekhilafannya .. diteruma segala mala baiknya, kepada semua, ayah, teman teman dan yang lain. kami,, ayah dan Ibu hafied ingin selalu berhubungn dengan teman teman anak kami, Hafied, teman Ajeng dikala dia masih berada disisi kita.. jangan sungkan kalau ingin teeetap kontak dengan FB ini.. kami akan selalu mendengar dan membaca .We wiil see him. in the future .. I hope . Thank for your Kindness Ajeng.. kami keluarga akan selalu ingat namamu.. sosokmu dikala datang menjenguk Hafied saat terakhir masih di rumah sebelum dibawa ke makamnya.. Anggaplah kami Ayah dan Ibu Ajeng.. kami sangat gembira mempunyai anak seperti Ajeng.. Sekian Ayah Hafied.. Take care
5 hours ago
Ajeng Kuswiasih
Ayah Hafied, saya selalu doain Afid. Pasti dia udah bahagia disana. Dan dia tetap jaga kita semua disini. terutama keluarga. Maaf sebelum nya belum sempat ketemu Ayah dan Ibu Hafied. I wan to see him, karena sampai sekarang Afid belum mampir di mimpi Ajeng.
Nti jika ada kesempatan, saya main ke rumah. Terima kasiih. salam untuk keluarga :)
2 minutes ago ·
will i ever see u?
11 hours ago · Comment · Unlike · Hide Feedback (2) · See Wall-to-Wall
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Hafid Habib
Ajeng. maaf terlebih dahulu .. ini yang merespon Ayahnya Hafied Habib.. terima kasih Ajeng selama ini telah berteman baik sama Hafied Habib, anak kami, terima kasih telah memberikan kebahagian padanya selama bergaul dengan Hafied,, terima kasih telah selalu mengingatnya.. semoga kita doakan dia damai disana.. ditempatkan di sorga pemilik segalanya.. dimaafkan segala kesalahannya dan kekhilafannya .. diteruma segala mala baiknya, kepada semua, ayah, teman teman dan yang lain. kami,, ayah dan Ibu hafied ingin selalu berhubungn dengan teman teman anak kami, Hafied, teman Ajeng dikala dia masih berada disisi kita.. jangan sungkan kalau ingin teeetap kontak dengan FB ini.. kami akan selalu mendengar dan membaca .We wiil see him. in the future .. I hope . Thank for your Kindness Ajeng.. kami keluarga akan selalu ingat namamu.. sosokmu dikala datang menjenguk Hafied saat terakhir masih di rumah sebelum dibawa ke makamnya.. Anggaplah kami Ayah dan Ibu Ajeng.. kami sangat gembira mempunyai anak seperti Ajeng.. Sekian Ayah Hafied.. Take care
5 hours ago
Ajeng Kuswiasih
Ayah Hafied, saya selalu doain Afid. Pasti dia udah bahagia disana. Dan dia tetap jaga kita semua disini. terutama keluarga. Maaf sebelum nya belum sempat ketemu Ayah dan Ibu Hafied. I wan to see him, karena sampai sekarang Afid belum mampir di mimpi Ajeng.
Nti jika ada kesempatan, saya main ke rumah. Terima kasiih. salam untuk keluarga :)
2 minutes ago ·
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