* andtptri
Find a guy who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you..
Where's the cupid and his arrow?
14 Okt 2009
28 Agu 2009
Ways to Say "I Love You":
3 Agu 2009
When everything dat felt so right is wrong..
No use to deny this simple truth.. Can't find d reason to keep holding on.. Got to find a reason to hold.. Love, why can't we turn and walk awaay..
28 Jul 2009
Say it with flowers /
Last nite, around 8 pm. i went to Wid Florist with Tante Etin.
someone made a phone call, ordered bunch of flowers for birthday present.
It was an old man * i bet he's 55*.
"mawar putih nya 3, yg merah 2, sama mau pake lily jg yaa. Kertas nyaa yg warna pink, pita nya juga pink"
I thought, buat istrinya kali yaa ulang taun.. Tnyata buat anak perempuan nya , he's little girl going 17th.. So sweett
There's another costumer.. 29 tangkai bunga mawar merah , for his lovely wife, ulang taun ke 29..
yuuup.. Big bunch!
sbgai orang yg kerja di florist, kadang suka ada pertanyaan dr costumer tentang arti dari masing2 bungaa.. So, this is it
Mawar Merah (Red Rose)
Biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan cinta kepada pasangan anda atau kekasih pujaan anda. Mawar merah tak hanya berbicara tentang gelora asmara tapi juga menyimbolkan penghargaan dan keberanian.Mawar Merah Muda ( Pink Rose)
Umumnya bunga mawar merah muda menggambarkan kebahagiaan. Namun mawar ini ternyata memiliki turunan warna. Jika terlihat lebih tua digunakan untuk menyatakan terima kasih, sementara jika warnanya cenderung muda untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kagum dan simpati kepada seseorang yang kita tuju.
Mawar Peach (Peach Rose)
Warnanya bunga mawar ini mirip sekali dengan buah pich dan sangat cantik sekali dan memncarkan kehangatan tersendiri. Bunga mawar ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa pertemanan dan persaudaraan, kekaguman, serta penghargaan kepada orang lain.
Mawar Kuning (Yellow Rose)
Menurut simbol Victorian, warna kuning menggambarkan cinta platonik dan konon katanya di beberapa negara bisa menjadi lambang kecemburuan. ( ga tau aku negara mana ni..nanti tak selidiki lebih anjut :D)
Mawar Putih (White Rose)
Mawar putih bunya beberapa arti khusus. Mawar putih memiliki arti seperti kesucian, kerendahan hati, penghormatan, serta penghormatan. Mawar putih merupakan warna yg paling netral di berbagai situasi dan kondisi.
Mawar Oranye ( Orange Rose)
Warna oranye melambangkan antusiasme dan semangat. Disamping itu mawar oranye ini juga dapat digunakan untuk memberitahukan orang lain bahwa anda ingin mengenal orang tersebut secara lebih dalam.
12 Jul 2009
i was thinkin before.. wat is jealous really means?
this is wat i found.
“Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it”
“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.”
this is wat i found.
Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, sadness, and disgust. Jealousy differs from envy in that jealousy is about something one has and is afraid of losing, while envy refers to something one does not have and either wants to acquire or to prevent another from acquiring. Jealousy is a familiar experience in human relationships
“Love may exist without jealousy, although this is rare; but jealousy may exist without love, and this is common”“Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it”
“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.”
10 Jul 2009
9 Jul 2009

Chuck: I was a coward running away again. But everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back.
Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You've hurt me too many times.
Chuck: Then believe me this time.
Blair: That's it?
Chuck: [pauses] I love you, too. [they kiss]
Blair: Can you say it twice? (laughs) No, I'm serious, say it twice.
Chuck: I love you, I love you, I love you. (kissing)
Graham: Well, I cry all the time.
Amanda: You do not.
Graham: Yeah I do. More than any woman you've ever met.
Amanda: You don't have to be this nice.
Graham: It happens to be the truth.
Amanda: Really?
Graham: A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep.
Amanda: Shut up.
Graham: I'm a major weeper.
- The Holiday
Amanda: You do not.
Graham: Yeah I do. More than any woman you've ever met.
Amanda: You don't have to be this nice.
Graham: It happens to be the truth.
Amanda: Really?
Graham: A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep.
Amanda: Shut up.
Graham: I'm a major weeper.
- The Holiday
6 Jul 2009
to feel it..
SWEET Things Happen

Remember the day when we first met. It was you who attack my eyes. Still pretending. I still bartending.
I dnt care bout who u are. And i dnt care bout who u with. A little bit crazy. but lot more breezy.
A little walk with you, a trip to heaven. It was my heartbeat who do the band's drum. I drive u to pisa. But We dont buy pizza.
On my way out to nowhere. Hope i can catch a fire in you. A little hug feels like a million. A goodbye kiss means a zillion.
Forever is you.
ps : thx to u! - 13.02.08
5 Jul 2009
girls : why do we always fall for a bad guy?
Because you're hoping you're wrong.
And every time he does something that tells you he's no good, you ignore it.
And every time he comes through and suprises you, he wins you over, and you lose that argument with yourself, that he's not for you.
u've tried everything.
Tearful night time phone calls.
Getting your best friend to try some smooth talking.
You’ve written Messages pages and pages long explaining how you
feel. Explaining how if only you could give it
one more try, this time things would be different. Perhaps you even
threatened suicide, and meant it.
Maybe you’ve searched the ways of getting back
But nothing has changed.
If anything, you seem further apart now than ever.
Whilst your heart won’t accept that “IT’S OVER”, your head is telling you that it’s true..
Are you the exception...or the rule? ... * he's just not that into you*
The "I don't know how I feel"
Even if it's been a week, a month, 3 months a year, if he still has talked or even brought up the conversation of what you mean to him. I suggest yet again to move on...Why you ask, because if he has realized by now that he doesn't have love or any other feelings for you then it's not worth your time. If he's into you, he'll tell you from everyday if you're lucky. If a man is really into you he'll let you know and he'll show it to you in more ways than one.
He hasn't called you yet!
He hasn't called you yet whether you've been chatting for weeks online or whether you've already been on a date with him. You are waiting by the phone and.....Nothing! Move on, he's just not that into you. If he's really into you, he'll want to talk to you on the phone and not only by email or chat. Chat is the new phone today but if he really wants you he'll pick up the phone and say hello.
He's "I'm too busy to meet up with you"
If he keeps post poning or gives you an excuse everytime you are intending to meet up, guess what he's just not that into you. Why?
Because if he's into you he will want to see you constantly. He will not have to find a reason not to see you. If he wants to be with you, he'll make the time happen. He'll cancel whatever else he had planned to be with you. It's happened to me. My first date with one of my ex's, he cancelled his plans to finally go on a date with me.
The too good to be true,
It's been great since you first met. Showing and putting all the right moves on you. Knows what to say and when to say it. Brings you to dinner, pays for your dinner and kisses you goodnight. This can go on for a week or two, next thing you know, he disappeared. No longer the same guy. Basically got what he wanted but didn't really find what he was looking for and now moves on to the next girl. Guess what...he's just not that into you!
He stood me up!
Some women give men a second chance with this one. Let me tell you if he stands you up...he's just not that into you. He does not respect the fact that you as well, had other things to do. Your time is not important to him. You should really not give this one a second chance. If it works on the second time..good for you. Just keep in mind, some things don't change and this can happen again further along in the relationship.
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